Corinne Promberger


Corinne Promberger
St. Vigil
346 2211376
My name is Corinne, meanwhile I‘m a 31 years old and mum of the cutiest girl of the world Isabel (she‘s already an appasionated rider and loves to ride her little bike beeing just 3 year old ;P ). I was born in a small village near San Vigilio called Rina where I also went to primary school. Skiing and biking became my two biggest passions because living in such a wonderful place in the Dolomites, gives us the perfect requirements to practice those sports.I started skiing when I was 3 years old. Already in the first years of skiing i joined the ski club and started racing. In the meantime, in the summer, for me biking was the best compensation. During the high school I did lots of ski races. When I stopped racing, I went to university in Innsbruck studing architecture, contemporary I did also the ski instructor specialisation. 6 years ago I decided that beeing the whole day in a office drawing plans was not the right job for me. So I absolved my bike guide specialisation here in South Tirol. Because of my two liddle brothers Michael (he is also a guide) and Leonard (he is a bike mechanic), i rediscovered biking in a new way, by giving more importance to the downhill part of every ride. I love to spend time on my bike expecially to to ride downhill and check out some new trails. Now in summer I‘m a bike guide and in winter I‘m a ski instructor. ...and of course since a year I‘m also a full-time mum!

Courses attended:

Icon Bikeguide Grundkurs Icon Trailtechnik mit Tom Öhler Icon Mechaniker Fortbildung Icon Kinder und Jugend Guide Icon